Cyber Security Lunch & Learn

August 31, 2023
Thu 11:00am - 1:30pm
191 Ingram Street, Glasgow

The P@ssw0rd Quiz. Cyber Mythbusters. Is Your Business Exposed On The Dark Web? Cyber Essentials - 5 Steps To Better Security. How To Get Started. Q & A

Confused by cyber? Not sure how secure your business is? Struggling to sleep at night?!

Relax. We've got you.

We get that cyber is the hottest buzzword in technology right now. But what does it even mean? How do you know how good (or bad) your security is? And how do you even get started?!

In little over 2 hours, you'll get the '101' on cyber security. You'll walk out feeling empowered to be able to have a proper conversation about cyber with your IT provider, as well as others in your business.

You'll learn all about the common myths around cyber - which are often the main blockers preventing business from taking security seriously.

You'll also be introduced to the UK Government's Cyber Essentials scheme - often the first step on the way to a safe, more resilient business.

And who will reign champion in our Password Quiz?

Ultimately our goal is to help you get started on your cyber journey to a safer, better protected business.