Videogames Glasgow Pub Night

September 14, 2023
Thu 7:00 - 9:00pm
13th Note
50-60 King Street, Glasgow

Monthly meetup for game developers, streamers, journalists, marketeers, and anyone else interested in or working in the games industry.

Come along if you want to talk videogames and game development, if you need to test out a game you're working on or want to give and receive advice on all things related to the making and appreciation of videogames. This is a friendly and inclusive space with the aim of creating a productive community of videogame people in Glasgow.

Monthly meetup for game developers, streamers, journalists, marketeers, and anyone else interested in or working in the games industry.

Come along if you want to talk videogames and game development, if you need to test out a game you're working on or want to give and receive advice on all things related to the making and appreciation of videogames. This is a friendly and inclusive space with the aim of creating a productive community of videogame people in Glasgow.